Ketamine Introduction & History



Introduction to & History of Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine was originally developed as a battlefield anesthetic during the Vietnam War era. Doctors soon discovered that service members who were administered ketamine suffered lower rates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Since then, ketamine has been used extensively as an anesthetic in the hospital setting and has gained a stellar reputation for safety and minimal long-term side effects.

Ketamine has gained acceptance as a successful off-label therapy for anxiety, depression, bipolar disease and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is also gaining acceptance as a treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Since ketamine treatment for these conditions is considered off-label, insurances and Medicaid/Medicare will not cover its use for treatment.

The FDA considers ketamine’s use “Off-Label”, meaning the drug is being used in a fashion that has not been approved by the FDA. This is due to the fact that when ketamine was evaluated by the FDA in 1970 and subsequently in the 1990’s, these specific conditions were not studied at those times. However, that does not mean that it is not effective in treating severe depression. Quite the contrary. It has shown stunning success. Since then, numerous studies have been published by respected institutions in support of the effective use of ketamine in treating these conditions.

For more current literature about the use of Ketamine in treating depression and anxiety disorders, Klarity Clinic has assembled a collection of medical and news articles for your review at our Ketamine Resources page.

Klarity Clinic has locations in Las Vegas and Southern California.



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